HCG 10000IU


Category:Hormones & Peptides


Manufacturer:Bharat serums

Package:1 vial of 10 000IU

Category: Tag:


HCG 10000IU, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is the highest dosage form of HCG, used primarily in advanced bodybuilders who require more significant hormonal recovery following an extended or heavy steroid cycle. It is an integral part of post-cycle therapy (PCT) to stimulate natural testosterone production and maintain muscle gains after a cycle.

Benefits of HCG 10000IU

  • Restores natural testosterone production after large cycles
  • Prevents testicular shrinkage
  • Supports muscle retention after a steroid cycle
  • Balances hormone levels effectively during PCT

Common Dosage and Use

HCG 10000IU is injected 2-3 times per week during PCT, with individual doses typically ranging from 500-2000IU per injection. The PCT cycle usually lasts 3-4 weeks, often in combination with Clomid or Nolvadex for comprehensive recovery.

Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • Gynecomastia (due to elevated estrogen)
  • Water retention
  • Mood swings and irritability

Important: HCG 10000IU should be used under medical supervision, especially in higher doses, to avoid complications and ensure safe hormonal recovery.

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