Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)

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Fluoxymesterone, known by its trade name Halotestin, is a potent synthetic anabolic steroid derived from testosterone.
It is recognized for its strong androgenic properties, making it a popular choice among bodybuilders and athletes seeking significant
increases in strength, aggression, and performance, rather than muscle mass.

While Halotestin is anabolic, it is primarily favored for its ability to enhance power output and aggressiveness,
making it ideal for short-term use leading up to competitions or strength-related events. Its anabolic properties are moderate,
so it is not typically used as a primary muscle-building steroid.

Key Attributes

  • High Androgenic Effects: Known for significantly increasing aggression and strength.
  • Low Anabolic Effects: Limited ability to promote muscle growth compared to other anabolic steroids.
  • No Aromatization: Fluoxymesterone does not convert to estrogen, so water retention and gynecomastia are not concerns.
  • Liver Toxicity: Halotestin is highly hepatotoxic, requiring users to limit its use and employ liver protection supplements.

Application in Bodybuilding

Halotestin is commonly used for:

  • Increasing aggression and focus during training or competition.
  • Boosting power and strength in powerlifting or combat sports.
  • Providing a hard, dense muscle look when used in a cutting cycle.

Bodybuilders typically use Halotestin in short cycles (4-6 weeks) due to its harsh effects on the liver.
It is usually taken in the weeks leading up to competitions where maximum strength and aggression are required.
Dosages range from 10-40 mg per day, depending on experience and tolerance.


Due to its toxicity, Halotestin should be used with caution. Liver function tests and regular medical check-ups are advised.
It’s not recommended for beginners or those with existing liver conditions. Always use under medical supervision.