Magnum Test-E 300


Category:Injectable Steroids

Substance:Testosterone enanthate

Manufacturer:Magnum Pharmaceuticals

Package:10 ampoules (300mg/ml)


Magnum Test-E 300: Long-Acting Testosterone for Massive Muscle Gains

Magnum Test-E 300 contains Testosterone Enanthate, a long-acting ester of testosterone widely used in bodybuilding to promote significant muscle growth, strength, and endurance. It’s a cornerstone steroid in bulking cycles, helping athletes achieve rapid gains in size and power.

Test-E 300 enhances nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, which are key factors in muscle hypertrophy and recovery. It also improves red blood cell production, which increases oxygen delivery to muscles, boosting endurance and performance during intense workouts.

  • Cycle Length: 10-12 weeks
  • Dosage: 300-600mg per week
  • Benefits: Massive muscle growth, increased strength, improved endurance, long-acting testosterone

Magnum Test-E 300 is typically used in longer cycles due to its slow release and long-lasting effects. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential to restore natural testosterone levels and maintain muscle gains after the cycle.

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