Eutropin 4IU


Category:Hormones & Peptides

Substance:Human Growth Hormone (HGH)


Package:1 vial of 4IU


Eutropin 4IU is a form of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) used in bodybuilding to enhance fat loss, increase muscle mass, and improve recovery times. It is often used by athletes looking to improve their body composition, achieve a more defined physique, and enhance their overall performance.

Benefits of Eutropin 4IU

  • Promotes fat loss and increases lean muscle mass
  • Enhances recovery and overall athletic performance
  • Improves skin health and anti-aging effects
  • Boosts overall metabolism

Common Dosage and Use

Eutropin 4IU is typically injected subcutaneously at a dosage of 2-4IU per day. It is usually used for extended periods, often 6-12 months, to see noticeable results in fat loss, muscle gain, and recovery.

Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • Joint pain
  • Water retention
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Possible insulin resistance with long-term use

Important: Eutropin 4IU should be used responsibly and under medical guidance to avoid potential side effects, especially when used for prolonged periods.

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