

Category:Oral Steroids

Substance:Methandienone oral (Dianabol)

Manufacturer:Ultima Pharmaceuticals

Package:50 pills 10 mg


Ultima-Dbol (Dianabol) in Bodybuilding

Ultima-Dbol, based on Dianabol, is one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids for muscle mass and strength gains. It is commonly used in bulking cycles to promote rapid and dramatic muscle growth.

Ultima-Dbol enhances nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, resulting in significant size and strength increases in a short period. However, it can cause water retention, which leads to a fuller, but sometimes bloated, appearance.

  • Cycle Length: 4-6 weeks
  • Dosage: 20-50mg per day
  • Key Benefits: Rapid muscle growth, increased strength, enhanced performance

Ultima-Dbol is often used at the start of a bulking cycle to kickstart muscle growth. It should be followed by proper PCT to prevent hormonal imbalances.

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