Magnum Test-Prop 100


Category:Injectable Steroids

Substance:Testosterone propionate

Manufacturer:Magnum Pharmaceuticals

Package:10 ampoules (100mg/ml)


Magnum Test-Prop 100 in Magnum Test-Plex 300: Fast-Acting Testosterone for Strength and Size

Magnum Test-Prop 100 in Magnum Test-Plex 300 combines Testosterone Propionate with a powerful testosterone blend to deliver fast-acting muscle growth and strength increases. This compound is ideal for athletes looking for quick results in both bulking and cutting phases.

Test-Plex 300 enhances protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, leading to rapid recovery and muscle hypertrophy. It’s also popular for maintaining strength and muscle hardness during a cutting cycle.

  • Cycle Length: 8-10 weeks
  • Dosage: 300-600mg per week
  • Benefits: Fast muscle growth, enhanced recovery, increased strength, lean muscle retention

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential after using Magnum Test-Plex 300 to help restore natural testosterone levels and maintain muscle gains.

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