

Category:Injectable Steroids

Substance:Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Manufacturer:Alpha Pharma

Package:5×1.5ml ampoules (75mg/1.5ml)


Parabolin, which contains Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, is a potent anabolic steroid known for its strong muscle-building and fat-burning effects. It is often used in bodybuilding for both bulking and cutting cycles, where athletes aim to increase muscle mass, strength, and achieve a lean, ripped physique. Parabolin is highly effective but should be used with caution due to its powerful effects and potential side effects.

Benefits of Parabolin

  • Rapid muscle mass gains
  • Increased strength and power
  • Enhanced fat burning while preserving lean muscle
  • Improved vascularity and muscle definition
  • No water retention, leading to a hard, defined appearance

Common Dosage and Use

Parabolin is typically injected 2-3 times per week at a dosage of 150-300mg per week for men. Due to its strong androgenic effects, it is not recommended for women. Parabolin is commonly used in cycles lasting 8-10 weeks, often stacked with other anabolic steroids to maximize results.

Side Effects

Potential side effects include:

  • Increased aggression and mood swings (“Tren rage”)
  • Night sweats and insomnia
  • Acne and oily skin
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Possible cardiovascular strain

Important: Parabolin is a very powerful steroid and should only be used under medical supervision. Proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) is necessary to restore natural testosterone levels after use.

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