Magnum D Bol 10


Category:Oral Steroids

Substance:Methandienone oral (Dianabol)

Manufacturer:Magnum Pharmaceuticals

Package:10mg (100 pills)


Magnum D Bol 10: Rapid Muscle Gains with Dianabol

Magnum D Bol 10 is a powerful anabolic steroid containing Methandienone (Dianabol), widely known for its ability to produce rapid muscle gains and increased strength. It is particularly popular during bulking cycles, providing fast and significant results.

Magnum D Bol 10 increases protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, leading to a greater buildup of muscle mass. It’s favored by bodybuilders looking for quick improvements in size and strength.

  • Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks
  • Dosage: 20-50mg per day
  • Benefits: Rapid muscle growth, increased strength, improved workout performance

Magnum D Bol 10 is often stacked with other steroids for enhanced effects. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential to maintain gains and support hormone balance after the cycle.

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